Tolly report validates Infoblox Cloud Network Automation savings

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Tolly Group, a leading independent IT testing firm, has found that automation of core network services—DNS, DHCP and IP addresses (DDI)—can reduce the deployment time for virtual machines in a VMware private cloud environment by 62 percent.

Private clouds are rapidly emerging as the infrastructure platform of choice for many organisations because of the speed and versatility they offer in launching new services. Many organisations are now moving mission-critical applications onto these private clouds. When provisioning new resources such as virtual machines (VMs), network setup is often a choke point, hobbled by manual processes that cause delays, require hand-offs across multiple IT teams, and introduce errors.

To clearly quantify this network automation gap, and shed light on the impact of lost time and productivity, Infoblox commissioned a study by Tolly Group, a third-party certification and testing firm. This test, conducted by Tolly engineers, measured the time required for discovering, tracking, provisioning, and destroying VMs with IP addresses and DNS records in a VMware private cloud when using manual processes in comparison to the new Infoblox Cloud Network Automation.

Here are some of the results as documented in the report:

  • The time to inventory, create, and destroy 500 VMs per week in Tolly’s test environment—designed to mimic a real-world large enterprise—dropped from 42 hours when using manual processes to just 16 hours with Infoblox. This is a reduction of 62 percent, and doesn’t include any time saved from not having to resolve outages due to errors from manually tracking IP addresses and DNS records.
  • Discovering network information for 20 existing VMs—such as virtual data centre location, virtual cluster location, and tenant IDs—took 17 minutes manually and just 45 seconds with Infoblox.
  • Finding available IP addresses when all the addresses in a typical subnet are taken required two minutes manually and only 30 seconds with Infoblox.

To download a free copy of the report, please complete the following form:



About Paul Roberts

Paul has spent his entire career within the IT industry and since 1997 has been deploying DNS, DHCP and IPAM solutions globally. Paul is a regular guest speaker at exhibitions and seminars.

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